The 12th annual competition since 2010, ANAC 2021 (Automated Negotiating Agents Competition) was held online this year in conjunction with IJCAI 2021 (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence).
We are happy to announce that our conference paper titled "A Decentralized Tokenbased Negotiation Approach for Multi-Agent Path Finding '' written by Cihan Eran, Onur Keskin, Furkan Canturk and Reyhan Aydogan has been selected as runner-up for the 18th European Conference on Multi-agent Systems (EUMAS-2021) Best Paper Award.
The winners of the Day Ahead Market Optimization Competition - Algorithms Competing have been announced. Algorithms designed by the participants from academic and sectorial backgrounds were evaluated regarding their originality, solution quality and speed, and benchmarked with each other. Furkan Cantürk, a Master of Science student in the Artificial Intelligence Program at Ozyegin University, has won the first prize. He designed a heuristic algorithm working with a tailored convergence technique producing high-quality solutions to the Day Ahead Market Problem.
Dr. Reyhan Aydogan has participated in the EXPECTATION project panel titled "Distributed Intelligent Systems and XAI", that was held in the International Workshop on
EXplainable and TRAnsparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems EXTRAAMAS2021. The other participants of the panel were Andrea Omicini (University of Bologna) and Leon Van der Torre (University of Luxembourg).
Event link:
Our paper titled "Solver Agent: Towards Emotional and Opponent-Aware Agent for Human-Robot Negotiation", has been accepted to AAMAS 2021 as a poster paper. This paper proposes a bidding strategy for humanoid robots, which incorporates their opponents’ emotional states and awareness of the agent’s changing behavior. You can find the paper in the following link: